Monday, August 7, 2023

Archer: My Shadow


April 2007 - August 2023

🫂🌈🐕 Archer dog crossed the Rainbow Bridge August 4, 2023. He was 16 years old. He leaves behind two cats he tolerated and two people that were his favorites. We will miss him dearly. 🫂🌈🐕

Archer was a medium good dog, but only because of the amount of mischief he'd get into. We had him on a home-cooked diet because of his illnesses, but he would try to eat all the garbage he could find when on walks. Only because he thought he'd get "best haunches" at the county fair. He growled warnings at his own cats, but would wag at strange cats he saw on walks. He never met a German Shepherd or Husky that he didn't want to try and mount.