Friday, December 7, 2012

Hey girl, what's been going on?

Yeah, yeah I know, I've been MIA for awhile. I could say I've been busy or I could say I've been lazy; oddly enough, it was a mixture of both.
So, lets get caught up shall we?

After we got the car last November, my walking all but stopped (thankfully the Archer still needed walking or I wouldn't have gone out). I'm ashamed to say but I became pretty sedentary when I wasn't working. We had a triathlete couch surfer stay with us for a few days and it inspired me to change my couch potato life. In July, I started the Couch to 5K program. Guess what? It worked. Steven and I have participated in two 5k (3.1 miles) races so far and we jog three miles every other day now. I've lost a few pounds and dropped a pants size. WooHoo! I'm not very fast at my "runs" but I'm working on it. I'm just really stoked that I can run at all.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Bringing Harmony to Your Habitat: Keep on Trucking

A lot has happened since my last post. I'll start with the biggest item. We have a new car; well, a new used car. We made the decision after my husband got attacked Halloween night. Yep, I said attacked. He was walking home from work with some grocery bags in hand when a group of 4 pre-teens attacked him. The motley crew had approached him in a Church parking lot and asked him if he had been trick-or-treating (I assume because he was carrying grocery bags). Somewhere in a polite exchange things got strange.