Friday, March 22, 2013

Lessons from Childhood : Monsters in the Dark

Just a little sprout.
I have, for as long as I can remember, been afraid of the dark. My fear of the dark began as a baby; the reason for my fear is rooted in an experience I had but can't remember. My mother tells me that when I was a baby, she and my father were asked to house sit. Of course they took me along. I fell asleep and they put me in a bedroom; when I woke up in my strange surroundings, I began crying.  I was inconsolable and my father finally submitted that I would, "cry myself to sleep eventually." And so I was left in the dark, in a strange room, to cry it out. I know it sounds cruel, but it is what it is. When my mom tells the story, she still gets angry at my dad; as my dad insisted that I be left to cry it out. It was his version of "Ferberizing" before Ferber wrote the book on children's sleeping problems. In any case, I developed a fear of the dark.

My fear was cultivated by neighbor kids and my brothers, who were unaffected by a fear of the dark. I was teased about my fear and jokes were played on me constantly.  Sometimes they would pass by my room, reach in, and shut off the light; laughing while I yelled and cried. I was stuck to the spot while I waited for them to either get tired of their joke and turn the lights back on or for my mom to come and rescue me and punish the brats that had a laugh at my experience.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Surfing my first couch.

I made a decision to enter My Destinations, "Biggest Baddest Bucket List", competition.  I have to make a a kind of "travel guide" video. I enlisted a few friends to help film and made a "fig rig" to stabilize my hand held camera and a camera stand our of what looks like an old mic stand. I chose my weekend to travel to the city that I would be doing the video on. I did my research and printed out my notes and an itinerary. My friends could go until Sunday but I wanted to get started as soon as possible, because of the limited amount of time I have to work on this before it's due.

I decided to go Saturday, after lunch, and stay the night. This was the perfict oportunity for me to be a couch surfer.