Monday, September 23, 2013

Ermahgerd, I finished writing a book!...sort of.

Typing away at the kitchen table and making faces.

Ermahgerd, ya'll, I finished writing a book! Well...sort of. 87,587 words and it's open ended. I know, I know, anyone that's allowed to read this book is going to be like, "So what happens next?"

Well... I haven't written that book yet. Good news is, the sequel is outlined. Bad news...its got a sequel too. Good news about the sequel to the sequel is that its theme has been written up in a paragraph (are you seeing a pattern).

Friday, September 20, 2013

Boy, do I feel Hungover!

I've worked on seven books since 2011 (five novels and one children's book). I must be tired because I had to count and recount them on my fingers at least half a dozen times. Out of these seven Six books (good Lord I was tired), I've finished one novel (first draft only) and the children's book. The other five novels reside in my computer, unfinished. But by Grabthar's hammer, I swear I will finish these day.

My stories usually begin with a day dreaming or a dream that I've had. I sit down and begin my story. If I start daydreaming about something else before I can finish the story I'm working on, I put it down and begin a new story. I think I might have writer's ADD.

Monday, September 16, 2013

I kicked my Ice Cream habbit!

From the moment I tasted ice cream, I was hooked. I would eat it until I was sick on most occasions. I loved ice cream so much, I spent 15 minutes telling my aunt the proper way to eat it (because I'm some sort of a freaking expert on eating ice cream).

I couldn't keep the stuff in the house because I would wake up in the middle of the night and gorge myself on what ice cream I hadn't finished the day before. Becoming vegan did slow me down on the ice cream addiction.

Vegan ice cream is expensive and it usually comes in tiny pint sizes. My willingness to spend that much money on that little bit of ice cream usually kept me from buying it to often. But I caved in and shelled out the cash more often than not.